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*🤳* Children Grow Up ***
🤳 Every house that resonates with the sound of the children, the whole family wakes up with the echo of those sound , and the sweetness of those children 'tarti voice starts to color differently in life.
*** And as children grow up **
👫 When parents see their children growing up, when they start to get ahead of their child, just think how fast the time has passed. 👯
And as the children grow up, so does their mistake . And their behavior and behavior also starts getting bad, then the time starts, every day there is a need to tell something and sometimes even to beat.
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🤳 It is often seen and heard that those children have no time to drink to get up to sleep.
Just walking around playing and watching cartoons to play the game takes place all night long.
And the atmosphere of the house gradually starts changing from sweetness to sourness, everyday it is common for the children to come to complain, from home to local, sometimes from school.
Then the same children start giving tension, that sweetness, coloring in life, all disappears.
Now the children are children, all of us were children at some time or the other, we must have been miscreants, all of us have also been complaining to our parents.
So I mean to say that this is the name of life, let's smile now, all of you are thinking about your childhood's foolishness and thinking about your big and big mistakes, you too are laughing and laughing, so let's smile in my mind. Smile even think don't laugh too much. Life is laughing.
🕺 Now a time will also come that your children will grow up and it will also come time to move away from home for further studies or jobs, now you will be sad even crying because the time is passing by and the hands are coming out very fast. Those who made you laugh then were sad, now they are going away from you to do something to study and while studying, if you got a job then it is difficult to meet.
That is why I am saying your Sharad is passing the time, be happy very fast, stay cool, stay healthy and avoid corona.
The child is not returned again, so live well, the opportunity you have is to live together. Everyone has to die in life, so give a good opinion to yourself and your children, live together, do not give anyone a wrong opinion, what happens after death Anyone knows anything is saying, let me listen to your heart, anyway women and women have been kept away from studies for many years, even today, in many countries, their studies are prohibited, they are prohibited from doing jobs. He has got this golden opportunity, no one can ride the life of his and his children better than his mother, mother would not want his children to die before him.
So boy or girl, you have got a chance to teach them. Everything is useless without logic, if you will not spend the argument, it means you cannot see anything, you are blind. Only the animal cannot argue, wherever he binds, he will eat the same and he will sleep.
You are in human form, read and only teach every one of your children who are growing up slowly. If someone needs to fill a form or write something tomorrow, then he can understand that if a child will not ask his teacher the reasoning argument, or if he has understood it from his teacher, then there is no meaning to read.
🤝 Pay attention to your growing child. 🙏
And as the children grow up, so does their mistake . And their behavior and behavior also starts getting bad, then the time starts, every day there is a need to tell something and sometimes even to beat.
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🤳 It is often seen and heard that those children have no time to drink to get up to sleep.
Just walking around playing and watching cartoons to play the game takes place all night long.
And the atmosphere of the house gradually starts changing from sweetness to sourness, everyday it is common for the children to come to complain, from home to local, sometimes from school.
Then the same children start giving tension, that sweetness, coloring in life, all disappears.
Now the children are children, all of us were children at some time or the other, we must have been miscreants, all of us have also been complaining to our parents.
So I mean to say that this is the name of life, let's smile now, all of you are thinking about your childhood's foolishness and thinking about your big and big mistakes, you too are laughing and laughing, so let's smile in my mind. Smile even think don't laugh too much. Life is laughing.
🕺 Now a time will also come that your children will grow up and it will also come time to move away from home for further studies or jobs, now you will be sad even crying because the time is passing by and the hands are coming out very fast. Those who made you laugh then were sad, now they are going away from you to do something to study and while studying, if you got a job then it is difficult to meet.
That is why I am saying your Sharad is passing the time, be happy very fast, stay cool, stay healthy and avoid corona.
The child is not returned again, so live well, the opportunity you have is to live together. Everyone has to die in life, so give a good opinion to yourself and your children, live together, do not give anyone a wrong opinion, what happens after death Anyone knows anything is saying, let me listen to your heart, anyway women and women have been kept away from studies for many years, even today, in many countries, their studies are prohibited, they are prohibited from doing jobs. He has got this golden opportunity, no one can ride the life of his and his children better than his mother, mother would not want his children to die before him.
So boy or girl, you have got a chance to teach them. Everything is useless without logic, if you will not spend the argument, it means you cannot see anything, you are blind. Only the animal cannot argue, wherever he binds, he will eat the same and he will sleep.
You are in human form, read and only teach every one of your children who are growing up slowly. If someone needs to fill a form or write something tomorrow, then he can understand that if a child will not ask his teacher the reasoning argument, or if he has understood it from his teacher, then there is no meaning to read.
🤝 Pay attention to your growing child. 🙏
Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji
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Your Sharad is this side .........Love you all
🤝be happy make other happy🙏
**बच्चों का बड़ा होना ***
हर वो घर जो बच्चों की किलकारियों से गूंजता है वह पूरा परिवार उन किलकारियों की गूंज से झूम उठता है और उन बच्चो की तोतली सी आवाज की मिठास अलग ही रंग भरने लगती है जीवन में।
***और बच्चे जैसे जैसे बड़े होते है **
माँ बाप अपने बच्चो को बड़ा होते देखते देखते कब वो अपने बचपने से आगे निकलने लगते है बस यु लगता है की समय कितनी तेजी से गुजर गया।
और बच्चे जब बड़े होते है वैसे ही उनकी बदमासिया भी बढ़ने लगती है। और उनका व्यवहार और वर्ताव बुरा भी लगने लगता है फिर समय शुरू हो जाता है रोज कुछ न कुछ समझाने का डाटने का और कभी कभी तो पीटने की भी जरुरत भी पड़ जाती है।
अक्सर देखा व सुना जाता है की उन बच्चों का कोई टाइम नहीं है सोने का उठने का खाने पिने का।
सिर्फ खेलना घूमना और गेम खेलने में कार्टून देखने में दिन भर रात भर लगे रहते है।
और घर का माहौल धीरे धीरे मिठास से खटास रूप में बदलने लगती है रोज़ कहि न कहि से उन बच्चों का शिकायत आना घर पर कभी मोहल्ले से कभी स्कूल से ये आम बात हो जाती है।
फिर वही बच्चे टेंशन देने लगते है वह मिठास वह जीवन में रंग भरना सब गायब हो जाता है।
अब बच्चे तो बच्चे होते है हम सभी कभी न कभी बच्चे ही थे हम भी बदमाशियां करते रहे होंगे हम सभी की भी शिकायते हमारे माँ बाप तक पहुँचती रही होगी।
तो मेरे कहने का मतलब है जिंदगी इसी का नाम है चलो अब मुस्कुरा दे आप सभी अपना बचपन के नासमझियों को सोच कर अपनी छोटी बड़ी गलतियों को सोच कर आप भी हंस ले खुल कर नहीं हस पा रहे है तो चलिए मन में ही मुस्कुरा लो अरे मुस्कुरा भी लो सोचो न ज्यादा हंस लो जिंदगी है हँस लो।
अब एक समय ऐसा भी आएगा आपके बच्चे बड़े हो जायेंगे और वो आगे की पढ़ाई या नौकरी के लिए घर से दूर जाने का भी समय आ जायेगा अब आप दुखी होंगे रोयेंगे भी क्योको समय बीत रहा है बहुत तेजी से हाथ से निकल रहा है वही बच्चे जो आपको हंसा रहे थे फिर दुखी कर रहे थे अब कुछ करने के लिए आप से दूर जा रहे है पढ़ने के लिए और पढ़ते पढ़ते कहि नौकरी मिल गई तो फिर तो मुश्किल ही है मिलना।
इस लिए मै आप का शरद कह रहा है समय बीत रहा है बहुत ही तेजी से खुश रहिये मस्त रहिये स्वस्थ रहिये और कोरोना से बचे रहिये।
बचपना गया फिर लौटता नहीं है इसलिए अच्छे से जी ले जो मौका मिला है मिलजुल कर रहिये जिंदगी में मरना सबको है इसलिए खुद और अपने बच्चों को अच्छी राय दे मिलजुल कर रहना शिखाए किसी को गलत मत राय दे मरने के बाद क्या होता है कोई नहीं जानता है कोई कुछ भी कह रहा है कहने दे अपने दिल की सुने वैसे भी औरतों और महिलाओं लड़कियों को पढ़ाई से कई सालो से दूर रखा गया है आज भी कई देशो में उनके पढ़ने पे रोक है नौकरी करने पे रोक है आप खुश किस्मत है आप को यह सुनहरा मौका मिला है अपने व अपने बच्चों की जिंदगी माँ से बेहतर कोई नहीं सवार सकता है माँ नहीं चाहेगी उनके बच्चो की मौत उनके सामने हो।
इसलिए लड़का हो या लड़की आप को मौका मिला है उन्हें पढाये। बिना तर्क के सब कुछ बेकार है अगर आप तर्क बितर्क नहीं करेंगे इसका मतलब आप को कुछ दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है आप अंधे है। सिर्फ जानवर ही तर्क वितर्क नहीं कर सकता है उसको जहां भी बांध दो वो वही खायगा वही सो भी जायगा।
आप इन्सान रूप में है पढ़े और सिर्फ पढाये अपने हर बच्चो को जो धीरे धीरे बड़े हो रहे है। कल को कोई जरुरत पड़े कोई फॉर्म भरना या कुछ लिखना तो वो समझ सके अगर कोई बच्चा अपने गुरु से तर्क वितर्क मतलब सवाल नहीं पूछेगा अपने गुरु से उसे समझ में आया या नहीं तो कोई मतलब नहीं हुवा पढ़ने का।
अपने बढ़ते हुवे बच्चे पे ध्यान दे।
(आपका शरद ) धन निरंकार जी
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