This page every word give you good thought please read all is My routine , knowledge,Dreams ,Nice Story,Health,Food,News.............. Thanks LOVE U ALL .

Thursday, October 29, 2020

fruits and seeds ,greenery in the world

🎄 My thoughts to all of us, all citizens of the world. ☑️

 🎄 fruits and seeds for greenery in the world  🌏 your Sharad 

🤳  You share this idea with your friends, believe it will be a lot of fun in this work. 🏃👭 👫 👬

🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱   🌍

All of us and the citizens of every country must eat some fruit whether it is dry fruit or seasonal fruit.

The fruit we eat for taste and also as a nutritious diet.

And each fruit has its own distinct color shape and taste.

Doctors also tell us to eat in the form of vitamins and minerals as per need.

Seasonal fruits have their own distinct identity and taste.

Such as Mango, Guava, Chiku, Pineapple, Apple, Papaya, Grapes, Berries, Orange, Lychee …… Likewise many other fruits are found in different places on our world soil.

fruits and seeds for greenery in the world 🌎

Come, let us all fill the world with greenery in the world with these different fruits.

All of us have to do a very small work, and all of us can easily make this earth green by joking around while playing and eating it.

Whenever all of us eat any fruit, keep its seed in a safe place and anywhere on the side of the road or in the hills, according to the weather and place, with the help of any metal or wood, keep it in the ground and press it with soil. Your work is done, nature will do the rest.

And sometimes we go out of the house for walking, walking or partying, having fun with family or friends, then if we eat any type of fruit there, then do not throw away the fruits of those fruits, but see the right place somewhere. With the help of tools or wood, keep it in the ground and press it with soil, your work is done by nature itself.

You should convey this idea to your dear dear friends in school.

In this way, let us all try to make the earth green again. Believe the day you do this, you will feel very good and try it.

And we try to make the whole earth green and purify the atmosphere.

If you like your
✍️ Sharad idea, then tell your friends, family and your children and share between them and make the earth green and try to give a clean environment.

 Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji 
Your Sharad is this side .........Love you all 
🤝be happy make other happy🙏


Fruit and seeds

 🎄🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱

 🎄 मेरे विचार हम सभी के लिए पूरे विश्व के सम्पूर्ण नागरिको के लिए।  🌎

🎄 आम के आम गुठलियो के दाम :- 🌍

आप मेरे इस विचार को अपने दोस्तों मे शेयर करे यकीन मानिये इस काम मे बडा मजा आयेगा ।

हम सभी और हर देश का नागरिक कोई न कोई फल वह जरुर खाता है चाहे वह सुखा फल  हो या मौसमी फल हो।

फल हम स्वाद के लिए खाते और पौष्टिक आहार के रूप में भी खाते हैं। 

और हर फल का अपना अलग अलग रुप रंग आकार और स्वाद होता है। 

डाक्टर भी जरूरत के अनुसार विटामिन और मिनरल के रूप में हमे खाने को कहते है। 

मौसमी फल की अपनी एक अलग पहचान व स्वाद होता है। 

जैसे कि आम, अमरुद, चिकु, अनानास, सेब,पपीता, अंगूर,जामुन, सन्तरा, लीची  ......इसी प्रकार से और भी बहुत से फल हमारी विश्व की धरती पर अलग अलग जगह अलग अलग फल पाये जाते है ।

आइये मिल के हम सभी इन अलग अलग फलो से संसार को पुरे विश्व के पर्यावरण को हरियाली से भर दे। 🌏

बहुत ही छोटा सा काम करना है हम सभी को, और हम सभी आसानी से खेलने घुमते तथा खाते हुए मजाक मजाक में ही इस धरती को हरा भरा कर सकते हैं।

हम सभी जब भी कोई फल खाये तो उसके बिज को एक सुरक्षित जगह रख ले और कही भी सडक के किनारे या पहाडो के वादियो में  मौसम व जगह के अनुसार किसी भी धातु या लकडी के मदत से उसको जमीन मे रख के मिट्टी से दबा दे बस आप का काम हो गया  बाकी काम प्रकृति कर लेगी। 

और कभी कभी हम घुमने, टहलने या पार्टी करने घर से बाहर जाते हैं परिवार या दोस्तों के साथ मौज मस्ती करने तो अगर वहा पर किसी भी प्रकार का फल खाते हैं तो उन फलों के बिजो को फेके नहीं बल्कि वही कही सही जगह देख के किसी औजार या लकडी की सहायता से जमीन में रख कर मिट्टी से दबा दे बस आपका काम हो गया बाकी काम प्रकृति खुद कर लेगी।

आप इस विचार को अपने प्यारे प्यारे दोस्तों को स्कूल में बताये ।

इस तरह आइये हम सभी पृथ्वी को फिर से हरा भरा करने की कोशिश करे यकीन मानिये जिस दिन आप ऐसा करेंगे आप को बहुत अच्छा महसूस होगा करके देखिये। 

और इस पुरे संसार की धरती को हरा भरा करने और वातावरण को को शुद्ध करने की कोशिश करते हैं।

अगर मेरा  ✍️  विचार अच्छा लगा हो तो अपने दोस्तों, परिवारो व अपने  बच्चों को बताये और उनके बिच शेयर करे और धरती को हरा भरा करे और स्वच्छ वातावरण देने की  कोशिश करे। 

🤝 लव यू आल ......धन निरंकार जी  🙏

धन्यवाद          👉  👈


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Benefits of Turmeric,हल्दी के फायदे

🙏 Benefits of Turmeric: -

We are all well versed with turmeric and recognize and know it.

Turmeric which we all also call Turmeric in English.   ✍️ your Sharad 
And it is used in almost every house and every country. Mostly it is used to increase the fragrance, while elsewhere it is used to make the taste and color better.
By the way, some special benefits and uses of turmeric are still used in villages and people in cities.
In the teeth also brush with fingers using turmeric salt and mustard oil.
For example, if you are hurt somewhere, then grind turmeric and apply it or mix it with powdered real ground turmeric powder mixed with two or four drops of plain water or onion water. Turmeric works very effectively in the injury.
And if you have more weakness or injury from inside the body, then you heat the milk, then keep half a pinch of turmeric mixed in the milk, then when the milk becomes slightly warm, drink it a little bit . will get.
And even after the birth / or loss of the child, turmeric is mixed with milk and drunk with good and sooth, which provides strength to the body from inside.

But shortage should not be added too much turmeric should be used as medicine.

Today turmeric is added to many beautiful products.  💅
Turmeric works as an antiseptic, all of you ask your elder lady, they will definitely tell you more special things, then share it with me by sending a message, and if there is any mistake.
🤳 if you have any confusion turmeric... ...please ask your Doctor  🙏

 Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji 
Your Sharad is this side .........Love you all 
🤝be happy make other happy🙏

Turmeric pic

🙏   हल्दी के फायदे :-

✍️ हम सभी हल्दी से भली भाँति परचित हैं और इसको पहचानते व जानते हैं। 

हल्दी जिसे हम सभी अंग्रेज़ी में टरमरिक भी कहते हैं।  🤝

और लगभग हर घर और हर देश में इसका इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।   कही ज्यादातर इसका उपयोग खुबसुरती  को बढाने में किया जाता है तो कही स्वाद और रंग को खाने बेहतरीन बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। 

 हल्दी के कुछ खास फायदे और इस्तेमाल आज भी गांवों व जानकार लोग शहरो में करते हैं। 

🤝   दांतो में भी हल्दी नमक और सरसो का तेल मिलाकर उंगलियों से ब्रश करे।  🤝

जैसे कि - अगर आप को कही चोट लग जाये तो हल्दी को पिस कर उसका लेप करदे या असली पिसा हुआ हल्दी का पाऊडर में दो चार बुंद सादा  पानी या प्याज का पानी मिला के लगा दे चोट मे बहुत ही असरदार काम करता है हल्दी ।

और अगर आप को शरीर के अंदर से ज्यादा कमजोरी या चोट लग गया है तो भी आप दुध को गरम करले फिर आधा चुटकी हल्दी गरम दुध में मिला के रख दे फिर जब दूध हल्का गरम  हो जाये तो थोडा थोडा करके पि ले आप को बहुत फायदा मिलेगा। 

और बच्चे पैदा होने/ या नुकसान के बाद भी हल्दी दुध में मिलाकर गुड और सोठ के साथ पिया जाता है जो कि शरीर को अंदर से मजबुती प्रदान करता है ।

🙏 लेकिन कमी भी हल्दी अधिक नहीं मिलाना चाहिए बिल्कुल दवा के रुप में इस्तेमाल करे।     🙏

💅  आज बहुत सारे खुबसुरत बनाने के प्रोडेक्ट में हल्दी मिलाई जाती है ।

हल्दी ऐंटीसेपटिक के रूप में चोट पे काम करती है आप सभी अपने बडे बुजुर्ग महिला से पुछे वे जरूर आपको इसकी और भी खास बाते बतायेंगी फिर मुझे भी शेयर करे मेल  करके मैसेज करके व कोई गल्ती हो वो भी बताये। 

🙏 आपका शरद    🤝  *धन निरंकार जी* ✍️



Wednesday, October 21, 2020

We all and religion, धर्म और हम सभी

Religion and all of us: - ✍️  your Sharad ✝️ ☪️ 🔱 ⚜️

Thank you for Reading...   
Every human being, whether it is from any country or foreign country, is connected with religion in some form or the other.
Some say God, some say Guru, some say Allah, some say God, some say Buddha, and somewhere, Lamping Buddha is considered as auspicious.
And they all have their own precious sentence words.
Such as -
Jai Shri Ram, Jai Mata Di
Or Allah, La ilaha ilalilhah
Mr. Guru
My god
Budham Sharanam Gachhami
Dhan Nirankar Ji
And everyone also has their own holy book, with different names. India is the only country where you can see people of every religion - caste and religion sitting together and drinking tea and water together. Chitput does not pay attention to some mutual issues, everyone lives together in India and frustration and hatred can be heard and seen everywhere in every country and almost all are involved in each other's festival in India, which is a religious unity and Love is towards each other in India, you cannot see anywhere. Small fights also occur inside the family.
 Disputes are created by the leader and the contractor of religion.
And almost every holy book reads only the lesson of humanism and help to alleviate the pain and suffering of each other and almost everyone says that there is God - God - God in every particle and he is watching everything and Is also listening to what we are all saying or doing. And all the knowledgeable people also say that you should always help each other and stay with each other, whatever is heaven paradise, this is what it is all about, stay in the service of every elderly person with respect and respect for every woman and heart. Keep the mind clean.
It is very written that no one believes on the word beautiful and precious words.
The leader and the contractor of religion always do the work of sowing hate, sometimes you have tried to find out the house, land, bank balance and their children of these leaders and contractors of religion, if not try to find out Listen.
All quarrels will end automatically.
All are engaged in a race to bring each other down and let down. And the word of all is, I am big, I am honest, I am honest, I am honest, I am clean, I am clean, but the truth is there is no good. So it is only and only the leaders and the gurus who are sitting separately as everyone else and no one else gets out of the stage and the people quarrel among themselves.
Our fault is not yours, it is that of the gurus who work to poison each other's mind.
We all say that God is formless and has no form, but we all believe in some form or the other. Not in the form, but in the form of the Messenger of God.
I like this line of :-Mahatma Gandhi :-very much, God bless your name, God bless everyone .....
God allah your name, god bless everyone
God bless everyone, the whole world is your child
The people who are settlers on this earth are all in your lap
There is no despair, no great, God bless everyone
Parties of the castes, lies told by you
God is equal for you, God bless everyone
Janam has no value, Janam is not a man's weight
Everyone is identified with Karam, God bless everyone
God allah your name
Whether it takes the name of the Holy Quran, or the teachings of Gita, it is about unity and love and brotherhood and helping each other and becoming a support.
 Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji 
Your Sharad is this side .........Thank you
be happy make other happy

We all and religion
We all and Rrligion
धर्म और हम सभी :--  ✍️✝️ ☪️ 🔱 ⚜️

हर एक व्यक्ति इंसान चाहे वह किसी भी  देश - विदेश गाँव का हो वह किसी न किसी रूप में धर्म से जुड़ा होता है। 

कोई ईश्वर,वाहे गुरु कहता हैं कोई अल्लाह कहता हैं कोई God कहता हैं तो कोई बुद्ध कहता है और कही लांफिग बुद्धधा को शुभ सुचक के रूप में माना जाता है। 

और सब के अपने अपने अनमोल  वाक्य शब्द भी होते हैं। 

जैसे कि -- 

जय श्री राम ,जय माता दी 

या अल्लाह, ला इलाहा इललिल्हाह 

वाहे गुरु जी 

My God 

बुद्धम शरणम गच्छामी 

धन निरंकार जी 

और सब की अपनी पवित्र किताब भी है, अलग अलग नामो से। भारत ही एक अकेला ऐसा देश हैं जहाँ हर धर्म - जाती - मजहब के लोगों को आप एक साथ बैठे और चाय पानी साथ में पिते देख सकते हैं । चिटपुट थोडी आपसी घटनाओ विवादो पे ध्यान न दे तो भारत में सभी मिलकर ही रहते हैं और कुंठा और नफ़रत तो हर जगह हर देश में सुन व देख सकते हैं और लगभग सभी एक दूसरे के त्योहार में शामिल भी होते हैं भारत में जो मजहबी एकता और प्यार भारत में एक दुसरे के प्रति हैं वैसा आप कही नहीं देख सकते हैं।  छोटे मोटे झगडे तो परिवार के अंदर भी होते रहते हैं।  विवाद तो उत्पन्न कराया जाता है नेता और धर्म के ठेकेदार द्वारा। 

और लगभग हर पवित्र किताब सिर्फ इन्सानियत और दुसरे के दुख दर्द को दुर करने का मदत करने का ही पाठ भी पढाती हैं और लगभग सभी कहते भी है की जर्रे जर्रे कण कण में ईश्वर - खुदा - God है और वह सब कुछ देख रहा है और सुन भी रहा है जो हम सभी कह रहे हैं या कर रहे हैं । और सभी काबिल जानकार लोग भी कहते हैं एक दूसरे की मदत हमेशा करे और एक दूसरे के साथ मिलकर रहे, स्वर्ग जन्नत जो भी है सब यही है मिल के रहो और हर बडे बुजुर्ग की मदत सेवा भाव से करो हर महिला की इज्ज़त करो और दिल को मन को पाक साफ रखो। 

लिखा तो बहुत ही कूछ हैं सुन्दर व अनमोल वचन वाक्य शब्द पर कोई नहीं मानता है। 

नफरत का बिज बोने का काम हमेशा नेता व धर्म के ठेकेदार ही करते हैं, कभी आप ने इन नेता और धर्म के ठेकेदारो का घर ,जमीन, बैंक बैलेंस और इनके बच्चे कहा पढ रहे हैं पता करने की कोशिश की नहीं की तो पता करके देख सुन ले। 

सब झगडा विवाद अपने आप खत्म हो जायेगा। 

सब एक दूसरे को निचा दिखाने और निचा गिराने के होड में लगे हुए हैं।  और सब का शब्द है मै बडा मै बडा मै इमानदार मैं इमानदार मैं पाक साफ मै पाक साफ बल्कि सच्चाई यही है कोई पाक साफ इमानदार दिल का भला नहीं है सबके मन में कपट लालच ईर्ष्या और जलन भरा पडा  हैं और इसका फायदा किसी को होता है तो वह सिर्फ और सिर्फ नेता और जो गुरु सबका अलग अलग बनके बैठे हैं उनको होता है और किसी को नहीं वो मंच से बोल के निकल लेते हैं और जनता आपस में झगड लेते है।

गल्ती हमारी आपकी नहीं है गुरुओ की है जो एक दूसरे के मन में जहर घोलने का काम करते हैं।

हम सभी कहते है God निराकार है उसका कोई रुप नहीं है लेकिन हम सभी लोग किसी न किसी रुप में मानते हैं।  रुप में नहीं तो God  के मैसेन्जर के रूप में लेकिन मानते हैं रुप में भी। 

मुझे :- महात्मा गांधी जी :-  का यह लाईन बहुत ही अच्छा लगता है ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरो नाम सबको सनमती दे भगवान .....

ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरे नाम, सबको सन्मति दे भगवान

सबको सन्मति दे भगवान, सारा जग तेरी सन्तान

इस धरती पर बसने वाले, सब हैं तेरी गोद के पाले

कोई नीच ना कोई महान, सबको सन्मति दे भगवान

जातों नसलों के बँटवारे, झूठ कहाए तेरे द्वारे

तेरे लिए सब एक समान, सबको सन्मति दे भगवान

जनम का कोई मोल नहीं है, जनम मनुष का तोल नहीं है

करम से है सबकी पहचान, सबको सन्मति दे भगवान

ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरे नाम

चाहे पवित्र कुरान का नाम ले या गिता का सबही एकता और प्यार और भाइचारे और एक दूसरे का मदत करने तथा गरिबो सहारा बनने का ही पाठ पढाते है। 

:- धन निरंकार जी 

मेरे शब्दो से भाव से कही भी किसी को बुरा लगा हो तो दास को क्षमा करे :-

 आपका शरद 


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Divorce who wants, तलाक कौन चाहता है?

Divorce ? Girl wants Divorce ? *your sharad*

Mostly case Man wants Divorce for a new life partner.  but they blem on Girl / Wife .

Our society has a lot of goodness, along with it, our society is also full of bitterness and misery which has now reduced to some extent.

You all will know that there was a similar dangerous tradition for women  in the country, which was faced in the face of very difficult and troubles and problems, which we all used to call Sati tradition , even today, in the pages of history, this Sati tradition  is still a record As a burning woman tradition .

If the husband died in this Sati tradition , then the wife was also burnt alive and the British Government has contributed very well in correcting this tradition , for which I folded my hands of the British Government and thanked me wholeheartedly. I do, the British Government has also contributed a lot in correcting many such evils.

In the same way: -

There is also the word divorce, neither a brother wants his sister to be divorced and he is unhappy, and no parent wants their daughter to be divorced and unhappy or to be beaten up with their daughter and sister.

Every brother wants his sister to be happy always and every parent wants their daughter to be happy always.

Just as the big and sensible social people came to remove the practice of Sati and enacted the law that stopped the practice of Sati, similarly every sensible, educated, and legal person will have to come forward with a strict rule. This kind of evil practices will stop in every country for this, women girls and their brother Peeta will have to unite their voice only then it is possible.

Divorce is often given in most hairs, even Halala should be done to a husband rather than a mother to a daughter to a sister.

Yes, it is very important for women to be educated and in every subject such as science, mathematics, English and their own culture.

Every son and daughter are loving their parents, in the same way, daughters of others should be respected.

They say, 'First education starts from home', so let education be one and tell others to respect it, we are all in the same earth as a house, in every house there are different types of people and thinking. Do we take them out of the house that they beat us, there is only one house, in the same way, on this earth, we are all the same, in one house.

Voices must be raised to prevent discrepancies and all kinds of malpractices.

Spasms occur only in dead bodies, not in life.

Now you decide that you are dead, listen to every big Pir Fakir, that's what they say, you will not become small by bowing your head.

Whatever the rate may be of anyone, respect it from inside.

There is not much difference between pride and pride.

 Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji 
Your Sharad is this side .........Love you all 
🤝be happy make other happy🙏


Friday, October 2, 2020

Your mother is saying something to you

 💖🙏*Mother's gift of Deepawali*🙏yourSharad 💖

* A touching story, definitely read. *


A pair was in a hurry to shop for Deepawali. The husband said to the wife, "Do it fast, I don't have time." Saying this, he exited the room. Then she looked at the * mother * sitting in the lawn outside.

Thinking something, he came back into the room and said to his wife, "Sunita, you also asked the mother what did she need on Diwali?"

Sunita said, "No, don't ask. Now what would they need in this age, man, two loaves of bread and two pairs of clothes ....... What is it to ask?

This is not the case Sunita ...... Mother is staying in our house for the first time on Diwali. Otherwise, she stays alone in the village every time. So… she would have asked for a show.

Hey, this much love is pouring on my mother, so why don't you ask yourself? Sunita was screaming and ... and hanging out the hand bag on the shoulder, went out quickly.

Ajay went to his mother and said, "Mother, we are going to the market to buy Deepawali. If you want anything ..

Mother said in between, "I don't want anything son."

Think mother, if you want anything, please tell me .....

On the very insistence of Ajay, the mother said, "Okay, you stop, I do it in writing. You and daughter-in-law have to do a lot of shopping, don't forget." Saying this, Ajay's mother went to her room. After a while she came out and gave the list to Ajay.

Ajay said while sitting on the driving seat, "Dekha Sunita, the mother also wanted something, but she was not speaking. I have made a list on my insistence. As long as the person is alive, more than bread and clothes. Want is. "

Okay Baba, but first I'll take all the things I need. Later you keep looking at your mother's list. Saying this, Sunita got out of the car.

After doing the entire shopping, Sunita said, "Now I am very tired, I sit in the car with A / C on, you see your mother's belongings."

Hey Sunita, you too stop, then let's go together, I am also fast.

See what mother has asked for on this Diwali? Saying this, the mother's slip extracts from the embellishment.

Oh My God! Such a long list, I do not know what will be demanded? Must have asked for a lot of goods for the family of his village's younger son. And become * king *, now do all the wishes, Sunita angrily started looking at Ajay.

But what is this? Tears in Ajay's eyes ........ and hands holding the list was shaking like a dry leaf ..... the whole body was shivering.

Sunita got very nervous. What happened, what has your mother asked for? Saying this, Ajay took a slip from his hand ....

Sunita was also surprised. Only a few words were written in such a big slip…

* It was written in the slip .... *

"Son Ajay, I do not want anything on Diwali. On any occasion, you are stubborn ... if you find me in a shop in your city, then * take a few moments of leisure .... It is a dusk now, I am. Ajay, I am afraid of the darkening darkness, I am very scared. Seeing death rising towards me every moment .... I know it cannot be avoided, right ..... But loneliness causes a lot of panic, son Ajay ... So while I am at your house, sitting for a few moments with me, for some time, the loneliness of my old age. .... the light of my life will light up without lighting the lamp .... How many years have you not touched my son. Once again, come, put the head on my lap and I can bear your head with motherly palm Once again, let my heart get close to my loved ones, very close… and meet me smiling and hug to death. I don’t know till next Diwali…

While reading the last line of the slip, Sunita cried and wept….

* Mother is like this ..... *

Friends, those big-hearted people in your house, whom you classify as old and old, are the invention of your life. Take care of them. Believe it, the days of your old age are near. Prepare for it from today itself. There is no power in this, your good and bad work will come back to you soon.

* If the story sounds good then please share it. Maybe someone's heart is brightened and ..... *

 Thank you - Dhan Nirankar Ji 
Your Sharad is this side .........Love you all 
🤝be happy make other happy🙏



 💖🙏 *माँ की दीपावली का तोहफ़ा* 🙏💖

    *एक दिल छू लेने वाली कहानी, जरूर पढ़ें।*




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